8x 13 to 4mm T-Connector
4x 13mm straight connector
2x female quick-connector
2x 13mm stop-ends
13mm hosepipe
Cable ties
Pipe cutter (alternatively scissors)
Flame to heat the pipes when pushing in connectors
Cut 13mm pipe to size: you will need 1x 160cm & 10x 8cm, 1x15cm
Make 2x the following pipe: stop end, 8cm, T, 8cm, T, 8cm, T, 8cm, T, 8cm, elbow.
Connect the elbow of one of the pipes made in step 2 to the 160cm supply pipe and connect another elbow on the other end of the supply pipe.
Mount both together to the unit.
Connect the second pipe’s elbow made in step 2 to the 15cm pipe and add another elbow on the other side.
Mount to the unit, around 20 cm underneath the lowest shelf.
Cut 2x 35cm silicone tubing and add a quick connector to one end of each pipe.
Connect the other end to the elbows sticking out from the pipes that should now be mounted on the unit.