
The world is currently facing an issue that the general population knows very little about. People are stuck in their homes, anxious and in the dark. Parents must find a way to educate their children on a very complex subject. Software developers looking to make useful apps to resolve the problem need to write for themselves. Teachers now need to make digital content as they can no longer use their existing material. People want to find a way to help in this crisis but do not know where to start.

What is it?

A centralised location to find key educational tools to learn about topics not just to do with this Pandemic but also future outbreaks.

It will be primarily put into a form which can be easily learnt/revised using Anki a cross platform app specifically designed for long term knowledge retention. The website is so that it is easily viewable and portable to any form. We hope to make the dataset in such a reusable format that any people who wish to use the content in their own application need to only point to the centralised location. This will help with providing updates directly instead of just a static website.

This will be a community driven project to ensure most accurate information and that corrections can be easily provided. We hope to translate this into as many languages as possible to make it as accessible as possible to a wider variety of people.

Who is it for?

For the General Public

Will help people learn about the topic during this epidemic & so that knowledge is retained to prevent lessons being forgotten in the future.

For Students

A self-service place to learn about the various topics that this situation presents.

For Teachers

Gives them a self-contained educational resource which can be easily used in a course curriculum for students.

For Developers

Many applications to do with the outbreak will need to so we hope to make the data easily integratable into their applications.

For example like FAQs, smart speakers or so it can be used during a loading screen during high bandwidth periods.


What topics are covered in these flashcards?

Click on the card to get a preview

Glossary of terms
History of Epidemics
Manufacturing & Logistics
Public Policy
Appendix - Flashcards FAQs
Appendix - Coronavirus FAQs
Appendix - Corrections

Getting started

First you will need to download Anki on your preferred device. View the download section of the website.

Link to Anki

Then you will need to download the Flashcards which is multi-lingual thanks to our wonderful community!


If you're new to Anki or an expert feel free to watch our video on an introduction to Anki to review the basics.

What help do we need?

This project is only possible thanks to the many collaborators we have

Content writers

Need people to write the content for the relevant sections of the flashcards

Content checkers

People to test & verify that the content is correct


To improve the website and automate the pulling of the data from GitHub


We hope to make the content easily understandable in any language as pandemics are global issues


Getting the word out on the project will help encourage people to use the resources and to potentially contribute as well

Fork me on GitHub